Alive. You can’t keep a good Pissed Off Tree Rat down.

But to be honest I’m only semi functional between med doses.  Feels like I got stabbed in the spine.  I’m hoping to be back up  ranting  in another week.


About The Pissed Off Tree Rat
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7 Responses to Alive. You can’t keep a good Pissed Off Tree Rat down.

  1. caohaoim says:

    Glad to see you functioning. Now I don’t have to post the obituary I never started.

  2. Alfie says:

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery

  3. Thank you Alfie. I should be back up and posting fully by this weekend. I’m off the Dr “legally prescribed” smack now.

  4. caohaoim says:

    Bummer about the drugs. My wife always get enough for a month then stops taking them in a week.

  5. All the spare “supplies” go into the Apocalypse med locker.

  6. caohaoim says:

    I have one just like it.

  7. I need to win the lotto so I can buy a house then install a nice roomy bunker.

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